Should you put your gym membership on hold when you travel/vacation?
You might be thinking, if I’m not physically able to go to my gym while I’m away, why should I be paying for it? At Red Eye you aren’t just paying for a place to workout, your membership includes an incredible community, regular accountability and expert coaching. By keeping your membership while traveling, you have access to workouts daily, you have access to our coaches so they can help you adjust the daily workout based off of your vacation equipment availability, time etc. and you still have access to our community page on FB to keep you feeling motivated and accountable.
Fitness should always be a consistent part of your lifestyle. Taking a break from your fitness routine while traveling makes it harder to get back into the habit once you return. Additionally maintaining your fitness levels while on vacation can help you feel better physically and mentally during your trip. If you aren’t sure how you can continue your fitness routine while traveling here are a couple ideas:
Say you currently workout MWF evenings while at home. You are traveling to the beach for a week. Every MWF while at the beach, modify the posted workout and complete it while in the sand. Bring an empty bag, fill it with sand and use that as your weighted object, then empty it and pack it back up!
Say you currently workout 5 days a week and you’re vacationing in Europe and will be on the go every day. Wake up 15 minutes early and get in a quick 10 minute hotel workout. Fill up your backpack with some books you brought or other heavy objects around to use as a weight.
The idea is to think more about what you can easily and quickly fit in rather than trying to complete an all out intense workout routine. Maintaining movement and general fitness during travel is the overall goal. Then when you return you won’t feel like you missed a beat. And remember we are here to help you figure it out!